Note: The traditional knowledge examples given below are just an indicative/illustrative sample. Herbal practices similar to the ones given below may also have been received from other people from same/ different parts of the country.

Uses from NIF Database

Mix the flower powder and triphala churna in 1:4 proportion. Take one spoonful of the mixture along with honey thrice a day for forty days.- Teki Suresh Kumar, Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh

Ear ache

Put the latex in the ear to cure the pain- R. C. Chowdhary, Nagor, Rajasthan


Smear mustard oil on a leaf and warm. Apply it over the abdomen for immediate relief- Chawda Chanduben Jawanji, Gandhinagar, Gujarat


Mix latex with turmeric powder, boil it with sesame oil and then apply this paste on the aching joint- Sanjay Singh Uplana, Nagda, Madhya Pradesh

Skin disease

Apply the bark paste on the infected part- Muralilal, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Uses described in Literature

Plant extract is used as bronchodilator56; flower buds of Calotropis, along with black pepper seeds and salt, are crushed to make pills the size of small peas. Two pills are taken twice daily for 3 days to cure malaria57; and warmed leaves, smeared with oil, are applied on the aching part to alleviate rheumatic pain58. ‘Muscle & Joint Rub’11 is a highly effective ointment for backaches, muscular sprains and joint pains. ‘Arkavaleha’59, made from this plant, is given to cure irritation of the stomach, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea etc. Eight patents were found on the medicinal uses mainly for anti-tumor and antidotal activity60, and bronchial asthma