As per the prioritization advised by Scouting and Documentation section, VARD section technically scrutinizes innovations (accepted category) to ascertain the novelty in each outstanding herbal practices. VARD section conducts a brainstorming session with the internal value chain members from IPR and BD division. Members from internal regional offices/units are also involved during technical assessment of outstanding herbal practices that are potential for improvement and value addition are identified. A prior art search is conducted followed by market analysis through field visits, focus group discussions and consultation with market leaders, entrepreneurs in industrial clusters etc. Outstanding herbal practices are also either tested in leading laboratories or their efficacy is tested through preclinical trials, on-farm trials or in field-testing and clinical evaluation.

On completion of the primary assessment, the outstanding herbal practices are placed before the Research Advisory Committee (RAC) for their expert advice. Formulation & product development support is given in many cases where prima facie case appears to be strong even before these technologies are put up to RAC.