S. No. |
Name |
Designation |
Email |
Work Location |
1 |
Dr. Nitin Maurya |
Scientist E and Head-INSPIRE-MANAK |
nitin@nifindia.org |
Noida, Uttar Pradesh |
2 |
Dr. Mahima K |
Research Associate III |
mahimak@nifindia.org |
Noida, Uttar Pradesh |
3 |
Ms. Merin Dayana |
Research Associate I |
merind@nifindia.org |
Noida, Uttar Pradesh |
4 |
Mr. Devendra Tiwari |
Senior Manager - Administration |
devendrat@nifindia.org |
Noida, Uttar Pradesh |
5 |
Dr. Prashant Srivastava |
Principal Project Associate |
prashants@nifindia.org |
Delhi |
6 |
Mr. Anant Gupta |
Sr. Project Associate |
anantg@nifindia.org |
Noida, Uttar Pradesh |
7 |
Ms. Dhara Patel |
Sr. Project Associate |
dharap@nifindia.org |
Gandhinagar, Gujarat |
9 |
Dr. Deep Jyoti Francis |
Sr. Project Associate |
deepjyoti@nifindia.org |
Gandhinagar, Gujarat |
11 |
Ms. SahreenShakeel |
Sr. Project Associate |
sahreens@nifindia.org |
Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir |
12 |
Ms. Shiwani Singh |
Sr. Project Associate |
Shiwanis@nifindia.org |
Delhi |
13 |
Mr. Viral Chaudhary |
Sr. Project Associate |
viralk@nifindia.org |
Gandhinagar, Gujarat |
14 |
Mr. Sunil Bhaskar |
Project Associate - II |
sunilb@nifindia.org |
Noida, Uttar Pradesh |
15 |
Ms. Anjali Khanna |
Project Associate - I |
anjalik@nifindia.org |
Delhi |
16 |
Ms. Harshita Kaul |
Project Associate - I |
harshitak@nifindia.org |
Delhi |
17 |
Ms. Neha Rawat |
Project Associate - I |
nehara@nifindia.org |
Delhi |
18 |
Ms. Parul Singh |
Project Associate - I |
parulsingh@nifindia.org |
Noida, Uttar Pradesh |
19 |
Ms. Sandhya Tiwari |
Project Associate - I |
sandhyat@nifindia.org |
Noida, Uttar Pradesh |
20 |
Ms. Sapna Chaudhary |
Administrative Assistant |
sapnac@nifindia.org |
Gandhinagar, Gujarat |
The INSPIRE – MANAK (Million Minds Augmenting National Aspiration and Knowledge) is one of the flagship scheme of Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India for nurturing ideas and innovations of school students and motivate them to pursue science and a career in research, jointly implemented by DST and the National Innovation Foundation (NIF) – India. It is an initiative to foster a culture of innovation and creative thinking amongst school students to address the societal need through Science and Technology by targeting one million original ideas/innovations rooted in science and societal applications.
Under the INSPIRE - MANAK Scheme, students are being invited from all government or private schools across the country, irrespective of their educational boards (national and state) to send original and creative technological ideas/innovations focusing on common problems and come up with solutions on their own., be it household or for porters, labourers, society or the likes. Once the student has thought of an idea, he/she can submit their ideas to the Principal/Headmaster of their schools.
This scheme is being operationalized as per the following steps:
Awareness and capacity building of District and State level functionaries across the country through regional workshop and audio-visual tools and literature.
Organizing internal competitions in schools and nomination of two to three best original ideas, in any Indian language, by respective the Principal/Headmaster online through E-MIAS (E-Management of INSPIRE Scheme (www.inspireawards-dst.gov.in) portal.
- The new schools may also register themselves on E-MIAS portal.
Forwarding of nominations by District/State authorities to Department of Science and Technology through E-MIAS.
Shortlisting of top 1,00,000 ideas, with potential to address societal needs through Science & Technology, by NIF. Disbursement of INR 10,000 into bank accounts of students under Direct Benefit Transfer scheme.
OrganizingDistrict Level Exhibition and Project Competition (DLEPC) by District/State authorities and shortlisting of 10,000 best ideas/innovations for State Level Exhibition and Project Competitions (SLEPC).
OrganizingState Level Exhibition & Project Competition (SLEPC) for further shortlisting of top 1,000 ideas/innovations. At this stage, NIF provides mentoring support to students for the development of prototypes, in coordination with the reputed academic and technology institutions of the country..
Selection of ideas/innovations will be based on novelty, social applicability, environment friendliness, user friendliness and comparative advantage over the existing similar technologies.
Showcasing 1,000 best ideas/innovations at National Level Exhibition & Project Competition (NLEPC) and shortlisting of top 60 prototypes/innovations for national awards and future direction.
Consideration of top 60 ideas/innovations by NIF for product development and their linkage with other schemes of DST/NIF and display of top innovations at the Annual Festival of Innovation and Entreprenureship (FINE) at RashtrapatiBhavan.
Timeline for submission of ideas/innovations: Nominations for the F.Y 2024-25 are now closed.
For more information, please visit website: https://inspireawards-dst.gov.in/