Note: The traditional knowledge examples given below are just an indicative/illustrative sample. Herbal practices similar to the ones given below may also have been received from other people from same/ different parts of the country.

Uses from NIF Database
Liver disorder

Decoction of the bark is administered orally- Priyanka Pramanik, Purulia, West Bengal


Juice extracted from bark is administered orally- Ambika Singh Sardar, Purulia, West Bengal

Paste is prepared from the bark. 10g of the paste is given along with a spoonful of honey- Kundan Kumar, East Champaran, Bihar

Intestinal worms

Juice from the pounded leaves is taken orally to kill worms- Ambika Singh Sardar, Purulia, West Bengal


Leaves (5g) along with those of Picrorhiza kurroa Royale ex. Benth. (5g) are boiled in 100ml of water till the decoction remains 10ml. This is then taken orally till the ailment cures- Hariom Kumar, East Champaran, Bihar


Bark is ground in water; some quantity is taken orally and the rest is applied on the body- Devaram, Sirohi, Rajasthan


Equal amount of leaves of kurchi and Cyperus rotundus L. are ground into a fine powder. One spoonful is taken orally to combat the disease- Chandan Kumar, East Champaran, Bihar

Uses described in Literature

Dried bark powder is given orally to cure stomachache87; seeds are ground into a powder, a dose of 5-10g of the powder is given with water as an antidote and a paste of the seeds is also applied locally to relieve pain and swelling on poisonous bites88. ‘Diarex vet’11 is used for diarrhoea in cattle. ‘Kutajarista and Kutajavaleha’89 are the most popular preparations used in diarrhoea, dysentery,colitis and bleeding problems. Thirteen patents have been found on its medicinal applications mainly for gastrointestinal disorders90.